Fixing empty files with grunt-typescript

I recently faced the problem of an empty app.js file while working with gulp and the typescript compiler, which was wrapped using the grunt-typescript module.

Synopsis: Almost every third or fourth call, the concatenated app.js was empty at the time where other gulp-tasks where running. The dependencies where all fine, and the gulp-output showed that the typescript-Task has successfully completed before the dependent task was started. However, the file was empty a the moment the dependent task tried to do anything with it.

As you can see, the build:ts and even the build-task has completed without errors.

Solution: After hours of work (debugging grunt-plugins is a pain), I found a solution which helped to actually wait for the particular file to exist or has its contents written to it.

Its a simple task, which I have added to the chain of tasks immediately before the task which actually needs the missing file to exist

var fs = require("fs")                 // Load the filesystem module  
    through = require('through2');

gulp.task('wait:tsbuild', ['build', 'clean:dist'], function() {

    var fileName = './build/.tmp/js/app.js';
    var timeOut = 10;
    var interval = 100;

    var amountWaited = 0;

    var waitForCompleteness = function waitForFileExistence(chunk, enc, cb) {

        var isFullfilled = false;

        try {
            var stats = fs.statSync(fileName);
            var fileSizeInBytes = stats["size"];

            isFullfilled = fileSizeInBytes > 0;
            //'Dependency on file is:', isFullfilled, 'Size is: ', fileSizeInBytes);
        catch(e) {}
        finally {}

        if (isFullfilled) {
            cb(null, chunk)
        else if(amountWaited < timeOut) {
            setTimeout(waitForCompleteness, interval, chunk, enc, cb);
        else {
            throw "Timed out while waiting for file '" + fileName + "'";            

   return gulp.src('./gulpfile.js').pipe(through.obj(waitForCompleteness ));
This is very ugly but helped me to work with the grunt-typescript plugin in an efficient way. A related issue can also be found in GitHub (although the newer version still does't work as expected):


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